Scientific Program

Scientific Program

View the MDS 2020 scientific program by clicking the button below!

Various topics on all relevant aspects of MDS will be covered, including (molecular) genetics, epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnostics, co-morbidities, follow-up methods and finally, current and future treatment strategies. Through the collaboration of both international and local scientific committees, we are preparing an excellent scientific program that combines educational sessions with cutting edge updates and the results of recent basic and clinical research. Real-world patient discussions will also be part of the program.

Note: there is no Abstract Submission for the MDS 2020 Regional Symposium 

Scientific Program
*The program is updated as of 4 March 2020 and is subject to change.

Dan Panorama Tel Aviv Hotel & Convention Center

10 Kaufmann Street, Tel Aviv, Israel

Thursday, 5 March 2020

08:00-08:30 Registration & Gathering

Opening Ceremony

08:30-08:40: Welcome Greetings Moshe Mittelman (Israel); Stephen Nimer (USA)

08:40-08:50: The History of MDS Moshe Mittelman (Israel)

Session 1: Genetics and Pathogenesis
Chairs: Galia Stemer (Israel); David Steensma (USA)

08:50-09:20: Genetics of MDS Rafael Bejar (USA)

09:20-09:50: MDS and Clonal Hematopoiesis David Steensma (USA)

09:50-10:20 Innate Immunity in MDS Pathogenesis Alan List (USA)

10:20-10:30: Etiology and Epidemiology Drorit Merkel (Israel)

10:30-11:00: Coffee Break & Visit Exhibition 

Session 2: Pathogenesis and Diagnosis
Chairs: Kalman Filanovsky (Israel); Theo de Witte (The Netherlands)

11:00-11:20: AML post MDS Yishai Ofran (Israel) Supported by AbbVie

11:20-11:50: Lessons from the EUMDS Registry Theo de Witte (The Netherlands)

MDS – Non-Routine Diagnosis:

11:50-12:05: MicroRNA Signature in Myelodysplastic Syndrome Inga Mandac (Croatia)

12:05-12:20: Can We Diagnose MDS Without a BM Examination? Howard S. Oster (Israel)

12:20-13:00: Patient Discussion 1
Panel: Alan List (USA); Yishai Ofran (Israel); Rafael Bejar (USA)
Presenters: Martin Ellis (Israel); Drorit Merkel (Israel); Merav Barzilai (Israel)

13:00-13:30: Lunch Break & Visit Exhibition

Satellite symposium supported by Novartis: Iron chelation and targeted therapy in MDS: Shifting the treatment paradigm

13:30-13:45: Welcome and Introductions Moshe Mittelman – Chair (Israel)
Are Current Therapies Doing Enough to Meet the Needs of Patients with MDS? Panel Discussion

13:45-14:00: Rethinking Treatment Selection for Patients with Low-Risk MDS Emanuele Angelucci (Italy) – by video

14:00-14:15: Moving Towards a Targeted Approach for Patients with MDS Uwe Platzbecker (Germany) – by Video

14:15-14:30: Paving the Way for Novel Therapeutic Opportunities in MDS Q&A and Panel Discussion
Meeting Close Moshe Mittelman (Israel)

Session 3: Clinical MDS (I) Supported by Fibrogen and Neopharm Israel
Chairs: Hanna Tamari (Israel); Akiko Shimamura (USA)

14:30-15:00: Genetic Predisposition to MDS Akiko Shimamura (USA)

15:00-15:30: The Impact of Comorbidities and Infections in the Course and Prognosis of MDS Argiris Symeonidis (Greece)

15:30-16:00: What is in the Pipeline? Guillermo Garcia-Manero (USA) – by video

16:00-16:30: Coffee Break & Visit Exhibition 

Session 4: Clinical MDS (II)
Chairs: Maya Koren-Michowitz (Israel); Rena Buckstein (Canada)

16:30-17:00: Optimizing Transfusion Support in MDS. Is What We Are Doing What Patients Want? Rena Buckstein (Canada)

17:00-17:20: Molecular and Clinical Classifications of MDS Peter Greenberg (USA) – by video

17:20-18:00: Patient Discussion 2
Panel: Akiko Shimamura (USA); Argiris Symeonidis (Greece); Rena Buckstein (Canada)
Presenters: Maya Zlotnick (Israel); Mika Geva (Israel); Efrat Yaara Arzy Habar (Israel)

Satellite symposium supported by Celgene. A Bristol-Myers Squibb Company: Ineffective erythropoiesis in MDS: Treatment in the new decade

18:00 – 18:05: Welcome and Introduction Moshe Mittelman – Chair (Israel)

18:05 – 18:25: Ineffective Erythropoiesis in MDS – What Do We Know? Moshe Mittelman (Israel)

18:25 – 18:55: Novel Treatments in MDS: Investigating Key Players in the Regulation of Erythropoiesis Valeria Santini (Italy) – by video

18:55 – 19:00: Closing Remarks Moshe Mittelman (Israel)

19:00-20:00: Celgene. A Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Evening Reception (Exhibition)

Friday, 6 March 2020

Session 5: Treatment of MDS (I) Supported by Gamida Cell Boston
Chairs: Ilana Hellman (Israel); Nicolas Bonadies (Switzerland)

08:30-09:00: Treatment of Anemia and Thrombocytopenia Uwe Platzbecker (Germany) – by video

09:00-09:20: Lenalidomide and Immune Suppressive Treatment Valeria Santini (Italy) – by video

09:20-09:40: Stem Cell Transplant Theo de Witte (The Netherlands)

09:40-10:30: Patient Discussion 3
Panel: Theo de Witte (The Netherlands); Drorit Merkel (Israel); Nicolas Bonadies (Switzerland)
Presenters: Nicolas Bonadies (Switzerland); Galia Stemer (Israel); May Basood (Israel)

10:30-11:00: Coffee Break & Visit Exhibition

Session 6: Treatment of MDS (II) Supported by Takeda Oncology
Chairs: Yishai Ofran (Israel); Mikkael Sekeres (USA)

11:00-11:20: Hypomethylating Agents Pierre Fenaux (France) – by video

11:20-11:40: Beyond HMA (I) – Combinations of Drugs Mikkael Sekeres (USA)

11:40-12:00: Beyond HMA (II) – Novel Agents Lewis Silverman (USA) – by video

12:00-12:30: Precision Medicine in 2020 Stephen Nimer (USA)

12:30-13:00: Patient discussion 4
Panel: Mikkael Sekeres (USA); Rena Buckstein (Canada)
Presenters: Rotem Keidar (Israel); Kalman Filanovski (Israel); Moshe Mittelman (Israel)

13:00-13:10 Farewell:

Closing Remarks Drorit Merkel (Israel); Stephen Nimer (USA)

2nd Latin American MDS Symposium in Uruguay Marcelo Iastrebner (Uruguay)

16th International Congress on MDS in Toronto Rena Buckstein (Canada)

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